Wednesday, 21 May 2008


I was looking out of the window most of the way - looking for the Amish in Lancaster County. I've been fascinated by the Amish for a long time, ever since I first heard of them about 10 years ago. Someone took me to a cafe in Boston who are run by a community who are a bit like the Amish I think. Looks like this is the website for it.

I like the idea of a simple like they lead (albeit while I am living it up in New York City.)

I'm also interested in Mennonites, which is a similar kind of thing, and I've been to some seminars here:

They really believe in peacemaking, and they've even been involved in Northern Ireland in some way (or some NI clergy I know have been to study at Mennonite seminaries in the US.)

Unfortunately I did not see any Amish from 14,000 feet.

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