Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Newseum in Washington DC

I forgot to mention the Newseum in my account of Washington DC. It's a museum about the press. I walked in and walked straight back out as the admission was $20 and I think that's a lot to pay in a city which is full of free museums.

However, I only had 2 hours left in Washington DC, so I went back in and paid up, mainly because I had a look at the brochure and it looked quite interesting.

I actually really enjoyed it, and I didn't get round half of it. There's a great Pulitzer prize exhibition, with all the photos which have won for about 80 years. There's an interactive exhibit where you can find out more about the stories behind the photos and it's quite touching. One photographer committed suicide after he took a photograph of a child dying in a famine, and he got a lot of backlash for not picking the child up.

There's another great exhibit which lets you watch key news moments in history - civil rights march in Washington DC, US Government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Clinton's impeachment - it was really interesting to watch.

That's all I saw; I never quite made it to all seven levels. But actually well worth the money in the end.

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